how to know if someone blocked you on iphone

How To Know If Someone Blocked You On iPhone?

Blocking someone on an iPhone is a feature that can be useful in many situations. For example, you might want to block a spam caller or someone who’s harassing you. However, if you suspect that someone has blocked you on their iPhone, it can be difficult to know for sure. In this blog post, we’ll cover how to tell if someone has blocked you on an iPhone.

1. Call the Person

The first method to check if someone has blocked you on their iPhone is to call them. If the person has blocked you, your call will go straight to voicemail. However, there are some scenarios where your call might go to voicemail even if the person hasn’t blocked you. For example, if the person’s phone is turned off or they’re in an area with poor cellular service, your call may go straight to voicemail.

2. Send a Text Message

Another method to check if someone has blocked you on their iPhone is to send them a text message. If you’ve been blocked, your message will not be delivered. Instead, you’ll see a single tick mark next to your message, indicating that it has been sent but not delivered. However, it’s important to note that there are scenarios where your message might not be delivered even if the person hasn’t blocked you. For example, if the person’s phone is turned off or they’re in an area with poor cellular service, your message may not be delivered.

3. Check the iMessage

If you and the person you suspect has blocked you both use iMessage, there’s another way to check if you’ve been blocked. Open the iMessage app and try to send a message to the person. If your message is sent as a green bubble instead of a blue bubble, it means that the person has blocked you. This is because iMessage messages are sent as blue bubbles when both parties use iPhones, but they’re sent as green bubbles when the recipient uses a non-Apple device or has turned off iMessage.

4. Check the Contact

If you’ve tried all of the above methods and you’re still not sure if you’ve been blocked, you can try checking the person’s contact. Open the Contacts app on your iPhone and find the person’s name. If the person has blocked you, their contact information will appear as normal, but you won’t be able to see their recent calls or messages. However, it’s important to note that if the person has simply deleted your contact, you won’t be able to see their recent calls or messages either.


In conclusion, if you suspect that someone has blocked you on their iPhone, there are several ways to check. You can try calling the person, sending a text message, checking the iMessage, or checking the person’s contact. However, it’s important to note that none of these methods are foolproof and there may be scenarios where your calls or messages don’t go through even if the person hasn’t blocked you.


Q1. How can I tell if someone has blocked me on their iPhone?

Answer: If someone has blocked you on their iPhone, you will no longer be able to call, text, or FaceTime them. You may also not be able to see their online status or updates on social media.

Q2. Will I still be able to see the messages I sent to someone who has blocked me?

Answer: No. If someone has blocked you, you will not be able to view messages you have sent to them.

Q3. Can I unblock myself if someone has blocked me on their iPhone?

Answer: No. You will not be able to unblock yourself if someone has blocked you on their iPhone. The only way to unblock yourself is to ask the person who has blocked you to unblock you.


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